Monday, October 31, 2016

Scoutmaster Minute April 2015 
Continuing through the scout law, the Scoutmaster theme for April is thrifty.  Thrift is one of those words whose meaning had subtly shifted over time.  I can’t remember the first time I heard someone say they were “going thrifting,” but I’m pretty certain that when I was a kid, thrift wasn’t a verb. In fact, “thrifty” was what the adults in my life would say about adults who didn’t like to spend money.  When Baden-Powell was putting the values he deemed important into the scout law.  

My family wasn’t wealthy in the spendthrifty 70’s, when I was scout age, but my childhood was once of abundance compared to that my parents.   

When my mom was a kid growing up on a farm in Kentucky, thrift was a way of life. Food spoiled couldn’t be replaced at the local grocery. The cow could be milked once a day, the garden harvest couldn’t be left on the vine or go unweeded, and a pig butchered had to be smoked or eaten.  If the food wasn’t stored or prepared properly, the family went hungry.  

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